Why taking charge of your own health is so important
A message from Daniel Laudon:
In case you haven’t heard we are in the middle of a global pandemic. I have heard many different points of view from our customers. Some feel Covid is being highly overrated and say the virus is just a cold. Others have a true fear, worried about what could happen if they contract the virus.
I personally have taken a middle of the road stand on all of this. While I feel the Covid is very serious, I also think it is like any other virus and needs to be treated properly. I never really had a fear of getting sick. I don’t like being sick, so like everyone else I have taken steps to avoid it!
Every year it seems fall brings a host of illnesses. I think a lot of this comes from everybody being cooped and the changes in the weather. We usually put a couple articles in our catalog about how to cut down on spreading the flu and other viruses. I’ve probably been using these germ fighting techniques more than normal. Hand washing, covering your mouth when you cough or sneeze and cleaning highly touched things such as counters and doorknobs with disinfectant soap.
By far the biggest and most important to me is keeping my immune system strong by making simple daily choices. Eating healthier than I would normally. Lots of roughage to keep my gut healthy and bowels clean. Remember viruses always live longer on the garbage in your system. Staying fit and active is also helpful. You tend to drink more water when you are working out regularly. You also sweat more this flushes toxin out of your system and keeps the garbage level low. When your body is in better shape it naturally has a better chance and is more apt to naturally fight instead of giving in when the system is under attack.
I’ve also been more attentive to my bronchial system. Thinking about what I need to stay healthy. I took a more proactive stance on my allergies ensuring my system doesn’t get worn down. Another step I take is making sure I get the rest that my body needs.
Finally, I have been taking the supplements suggested by our herbalist. These help prepare my body in the areas the virus is known to attack. It just makes sense! This virus seems to be unusual in that it attacks in multiple stages on the body. Since Covid has been around for a while we have plenty of testimonies from people. Stories from those who have had the virus, helping you know what to expect, making it much easier to prepare for it! I would say just taking supplements to build the immune system might not be enough and you will also want to take things to help strengthen the bronchial system.
While there are a lot of things out of our control when it comes to our health, I like to concentrate on what I can do and what is in my control. Remember stress and worrying also can also weaken your immune system, they also slow the rebuilding process.
Today I am choosing to live happy and healthy. Providing support for those who are sick and those who want to strengthen their immunity.
We featured several articles in our fall catalog to help you face the challenge of Covid. Contact our call center to ask about what our herbalist recommends and request a copy of our fall catalog to read the articles.
In case you haven’t heard we are in the middle of a global pandemic. I have heard many different points of view from our customers. Some feel Covid is being highly overrated and say the virus is just a cold. Others have a true fear, worried about what could happen if they contract the virus.
I personally have taken a middle of the road stand on all of this. While I feel the Covid is very serious, I also think it is like any other virus and needs to be treated properly. I never really had a fear of getting sick. I don’t like being sick, so like everyone else I have taken steps to avoid it!
Every year it seems fall brings a host of illnesses. I think a lot of this comes from everybody being cooped and the changes in the weather. We usually put a couple articles in our catalog about how to cut down on spreading the flu and other viruses. I’ve probably been using these germ fighting techniques more than normal. Hand washing, covering your mouth when you cough or sneeze and cleaning highly touched things such as counters and doorknobs with disinfectant soap.
By far the biggest and most important to me is keeping my immune system strong by making simple daily choices. Eating healthier than I would normally. Lots of roughage to keep my gut healthy and bowels clean. Remember viruses always live longer on the garbage in your system. Staying fit and active is also helpful. You tend to drink more water when you are working out regularly. You also sweat more this flushes toxin out of your system and keeps the garbage level low. When your body is in better shape it naturally has a better chance and is more apt to naturally fight instead of giving in when the system is under attack.
I’ve also been more attentive to my bronchial system. Thinking about what I need to stay healthy. I took a more proactive stance on my allergies ensuring my system doesn’t get worn down. Another step I take is making sure I get the rest that my body needs.
Finally, I have been taking the supplements suggested by our herbalist. These help prepare my body in the areas the virus is known to attack. It just makes sense! This virus seems to be unusual in that it attacks in multiple stages on the body. Since Covid has been around for a while we have plenty of testimonies from people. Stories from those who have had the virus, helping you know what to expect, making it much easier to prepare for it! I would say just taking supplements to build the immune system might not be enough and you will also want to take things to help strengthen the bronchial system.
While there are a lot of things out of our control when it comes to our health, I like to concentrate on what I can do and what is in my control. Remember stress and worrying also can also weaken your immune system, they also slow the rebuilding process.
Today I am choosing to live happy and healthy. Providing support for those who are sick and those who want to strengthen their immunity.
We featured several articles in our fall catalog to help you face the challenge of Covid. Contact our call center to ask about what our herbalist recommends and request a copy of our fall catalog to read the articles.
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